Xenbase Image ID: 133016
Figure 3: Expression profiles of Wnt5a, Fzd2, and Ror2 proteins in the small intestine during natural metamorphosis.
Cross sections were immunostained with anti-Wnt5a (AâC), anti-Fzd2 (DâF), or anti-Ror2 (GâI). A, D, G: Stage 57. Cells positive for Ror2 (G; arrows) are scattered only in the larval epithelium (LE). They possess the brush border (bb) on the apical surface (Inset). B, E, H: Stage 61. Cells positive for Wnt5a (B) and Fzd2 (E) are broadly distributed in every tissue except for the degenerating larval epithelium, whereas a strong immunoreactivity for Ror2 is localized in islets of the adult epithelium (AE) (H). C, F, I: Stage 66. Immunoreactivity for each protein becomes weaker. CT: connective tissue; M: muscles; Scale bars: 20 µm.
Image published in: Ishizuya-Oka A et al. (2014) Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license
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