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Xenbase Image ID: 136144

Fig. 2. Expression of ADMP2. (A) Expression of ADMP2 by Northern blotting of RNA from staged Xenopus embryos. Expression was first seen at stage 9 and persisted through the early neurula stage. Ethidium staining for 28S and 18S RNAs serves as a loading control. (B) In situ hybridization for ADMP2 in stage 10 embryo bisected sagittally. Arrows indicate general region of specific hybridization. (C and D) Two halves of bisected stage 10.5 embryo hybridized with either ADMP2 (C), or brachyury (D) (for the benefit of comparison, one image is inverted). (E and F) Sagittal (E) and para-sagittal (F) sections of stage 11 embryos hybridized for ADMP2. (G) Vegetal view of schematic stage 11 embryo indicating the approximate lines of bisection of embryos in panels E and F. (H and I) Stage 12 embryos hybridized for ADMP2. Dorsal is up and ventral is down for both embryos. Panel H shows sagittal section, while panel I shows transverse section. (J) Schematic view of stage 12 embryo showing the approximate plans of view in panels H and I. S.O.: approximate position of the Spemann organizer. bc: position of the blastocel.

Image published in: Kumano G et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

admp2.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10 to NF stage 12endomesoderm
involuted ventral mesoderm
vegetal yolk mass
tbxt.Sbra, brachyury, ntl, t, t-a, t-b, X-bra, Xbra, XbrachyuryX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10.5involuted dorsal mesoderm
involuted ventral mesoderm

Image source: Published

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