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Xenbase Image ID: 138250

Fig. 1. NaV1.2 and REST/NRSF are expressed in neural tissues during development of X. laevis.a–d, ISH for xNaV1.2: expression is restricted to primary spinal neurons (sn), cranial ganglia primordia (cg), and olfactory placodes (op). In a section of a stage 18 embryo, xNaV 1.2 expression is observed in the lateral and ventral regions of the neural tube. a, Dorsal view, stage 18; b, lateral view, stage 18;c, anterior view, stage 24; d, central transversal section, stage 18; n, notochord;m, presomitic mesoderm; e,left, ISH showing diffuse expression of REST during neurulation (stage 18), including neural folds; right, a sense REST probe does not produce significant labeling in a stage 18 embryo; f, at stage 35, REST/NRSF expression is stronger in the anterior neural tissue; g, RT-PCR showing the coexpression of xNaV1.2 and REST/NRSF in dissected tissues at the stages annotated; np, neural plate; nt, neural tube; pm, presomitic mesoderm; s, somites. The constitutively expressed transcript EF1α is shown as a control.

Image published in: Armisén R et al. (2002)

Copyright © 2002. OA ARTICLE, images redisplayed under a Creative Commons license.

scn1a.Sfeb3, gefsp2, hbsci, LOC108701357, nac1, Na(v)1.1, nav1.1, scn1, smeiX. laevisThroughout NF stage 18neural tube
neural fold
spinal neuron
trigeminal ganglion
rest.Lnrsf, rest-a, rest-b, xbrX. laevisThroughout NF stage 18neuron
neural tube
pre-chordal neural plate
anterior neural fold
scn1a.Sfeb3, gefsp2, hbsci, LOC108701357, nac1, Na(v)1.1, nav1.1, scn1, smeiX. laevisThroughout NF stage 24trigeminal ganglion
olfactory placode
rest.Lnrsf, rest-a, rest-b, xbrX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36central nervous system
spinal cord

Image source: Published

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