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Xenbase Image ID: 138841

FIG. 2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization with a fugacin antisense riboprobe labeled with digoxigenin. RNA is transiently expressed in the Spemann organizer. (A) Albino embryo at late blastula (stage 9), vegetal view; dorsal is up. (A1) Dorsal view. Staining is present in the dorsal mesoderm. (B) At early gastrula (stage 10.25), vegetal view; dorsal is up. (B1) Dorsal view. Staining is restricted to the top of the blastopore lip. Note that a few vegetal cells are also labeled. (C) Dorsalized LiCl-treated embryo, vegetal view. Staining appears throughout the marginal zone. (D) Ventralized UV-treated embryo, vegetal view. No staining is visible. (E) Transverse histological section after whole-mount in situ hybridization at stage 10.25. Staining is restricted to the Spemann organizer.

Image published in: Ecochard V et al. (1995)

Copyright © 1995. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

nodal3.2.Lfugacin, Xnr3X. laevisSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10.25dorsal marginal zone
upper blastopore lip

Image source: Published

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