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Figure 4. Xsyntenin expressions during X. laevis early development and Xsyntenin-a corecruitment with XDsh, by XFz 7, to the plasma membrane of animal caps. (A) RNA extracts from embryos at different stages were used to analyze Xsyntenin-a expression by RT-PCR. Histone H4 amplification was used as an internal control. (B–I) Xsyntenin-a, -a’, and b and XFz 3, 7, and 8 mRNA distributions (purple) at different stages (st) of development. Hd, head; nt, neural tube; pn, pronephros; ba; branchial arches; cg, cement gland. (J) Syntenin-Fz 7 interaction is conserved in Xenopus. Hu Fz7 and XFz7 cytoplasmic domain sequences are shown on the right. The sequences vary for two amino acids (underlined). Fz 7 cytoplasmic domain from Xenopus or human, mutated (T/A) or not mutated in the PDZBM, was overlayed with Xsyntenin-a (top). The quality and concentration of the fusion proteins were controlled in Coomassie (bottom). (K–U) Confocal micrographs of Xenopus animal caps at stage 9 showing the subcellular distribution of XDsh-myc (K–M and Q), Xkermit-myc (S and T), Xsyntenin-a-myc (N–P) or Xsyntenina- HA (R and U) as indicated at the bottom. The caps originate from embryos injected at two-cell stage with different combinations of mRNAs encoding proteins indicated on each micrograph. Note the translocation of XDsh to the plasma membrane upon XFz 7 and XFz 7 T/A expression (compare M and L with K) and the translocation of Xsyntenin-a upon XFz 7 but not XFz7 T/A expression (compare O and P with N). Note also that although Xsyntenin-a impairs Xkermit translocation (T), XDsh translocation is maintained (Q).

Image published in: Luyten A et al. (2008)

Copyright © 2008. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

sdcbp.Lmda-9, st1, sycl, syntenin, tacip18X. laevisSometime during NF stage 3 (4-cell) to NF stage 31

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