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Xenbase Image ID: 153043

Figure 4. Expression summary of ednrs in X. laevis.Left-lateral views in all non-prime panels save (A,B), which are dorsal (A) an anterior (B) views. All prime panels show anterior/oral views of the correspondingly lettered panel save K’, which is a dorsal view. Developmental stage69 for each specimen is indicated in the bottom right corner of a panel. (A–G) ednra expression in X. laevis. (A) ednra-a uniquely marks pre-migratory NCCs. (B–G) ednra-b expression in migratory and post-migratory NCC derivatives, nephrostomes, the heart, and fin mesenchyme. (H–J) ednrb1-a expression in X. laevis marks the eye and medial pharyngeal arch NCCs. (K–M) ednrb2-c expression in X. laevis marks migratory pigment cells, nerves, and the forebrain. All scale bars represent 100 μm, save those in (D,G,K’,L,M) which represent 500 μm.

Image published in: Square T et al. (2016)

Copyright © 2016, The Author(s). Creative Commons Attribution license

ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 18neural plate border
neural crest
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 20cranial neural crest
trunk neural crest
ednrb2.Lednrb2-a, ednrb2-c, endor-bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 24trunk neural crest
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 26migratory trunk neural crest cell
intersomitic region
cranial neural crest
otic placode
ednrb2.Lednrb2-a, ednrb2-c, endor-bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 28trunk neural crest
cranial ganglion
peripheral nervous system
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 31cranial neural crest
otic vesicle
intersomitic region
trunk neural crest
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34heart
pronephric nephrostome
cranial neural crest
otic vesicle
ednrb.Sednrb1-aX. laevisSometime during NF stage 33 and 34 to NF stage 37 and 38cranial neural crest
ednrb2.Lednrb2-a, ednrb2-c, endor-bX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36cranial ganglion
peripheral nervous system
pigment cell
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38heart
pronephric nephrostome
cranial neural crest
otic vesicle
ednra.Lednra-a, ednra-b, endo-r, Endothelin-1 receptor type A, eta, etar, etax, etraX. laevisThroughout NF stage 40fin

Image source: Published

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