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Xenbase Image ID: 155211

Fig. 4. Immunohistochemistry of agarose embedded testicular sections from X. tropicalis and mouse adult males. (A,C) Double staining with Sox9 (red) and Sma (green) antibodies. White arrowheads indicate potential common precursor cells for Sertoli and PTM cell lineages expressing both antigens in X. tropicalis (A) and mouse (C) samples. Insets show a detailed view of structures marked with white arrowheads in underlying figures. (B,D) Staining with vimentin (green) antibody on X. tropicalis (B) and mouse (D) samples. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars: 40 μm.

Image published in: Tlapakova T et al. (2016)

© 2016. Creative Commons Attribution license

acta2.Laat6, actsa, alpha-actin, alpha-SM-actin, alpha smooth muscle actin, a-sma, ASMA, mymy5, sma, SM actin, sm-actin, SMactinX. laevisThroughout adult frog stagetestis
sox9.Lcmd1, cmpd1, sox-9, sox9-a, sox9-b, sra1X. laevisThroughout adult frog stagetestis

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