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Xenbase Image ID: 172349

FIG. 5. Immunohistochemical analysis of X. luevis skin. A and C, positive staining (brown) of the epidermis (e), granular glands (g), and regenerating granular glands (arrows) with antiserum SKP-2. Mucous glands (m) show no immunoreactivity. B, no signals were obtained after stainiig with the preimmune serum. Sc& bars are 100 pm (A and B) and 50 pm (C).

Image published in: Hauser F et al. (1992)

Copyright © 1992. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

tff3.7.Sapeg, p2, xP2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 66skin
skin gland
granular gland

Image source: Published

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