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Xenbase Image ID: 174474

Fig. 3. Whole mount (A–G) and histological (A′-G′) expression of trpv4 mRNA expression in X. laevis embryos. Lateral view for all whole mount embryos, animal pole to the top (A–D), anterior to the right (E–G); dorsal to the top for all histology images. (A, A′) unfertilized egg; (B, B′) stage 5 (16-cell stage); (C, C′) stage 8 (mid-blastula stage); (D, C′) stage 10 (early gastrula stage); (E, E′) stage 20 (late neurula stage); (F, F′, F′) stage 30 (late tailbud stage); (G, G′, G′) stage 35 (swimming tadpole stage). Arrows indicate regions of gene expression (a, animal pole; nc, notochord; np, nasal placode; tb, tailbud). Dashed lines represent positions of corresponding sections. Scale bars = 250 μm.

Image published in: Dong C et al. (2018)

Copyright © 2018. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout mature egg stagedorsal
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10animal hemisphere
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 22tail bud
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30tail tip
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36notochord
olfactory placode
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 5 (16-cell)animal hemisphere
trpv4.Losm-9, otrpc4, vrl-2, vr-oacX. laevisThroughout NF stage 8animal hemisphere

Image source: Published

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