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Xenbase Image ID: 181698

Figure S6 The image represents a frontal section through the entire right and left telecephalic hemispheres of an adult Xenopus brain at the level immediately posterior to the entry of the accessory olfactory bulb. FRMD6-ir is shown in green, HuC in red. A dense FRMD6-ir fiber plexus highlights the striatum and the accumbens nucleus. Additionally, individual fibers can be observed coursing in the lateral septal area and to a lesser extent in the medial pallium. The image was recorded by the NanoZoomer from the company Hamamatsu using the fluorescence option. Abbr.: ventricle (vl), dorsal pallium (DP), lateral pallium (LP), lateral septum (LS), striatum (STR), nucleus accumbens (Nc), Scale bar 500 µm

Image published in: Beck J and Kressel M (2020)

© The Author(s) 2020. Creative Commons Attribution license

frmd6.Lex1, willinX. laevisThroughout adult frog stagebrain
nucleus accumbens
lateral septum
medial pallium

Image source: Published

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