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Supplementary Figure 4: RNA-Seq analysis of ift80 and ift172 targeted embryos.
(f) A table of respective associations and references thereof. (g) In situ hybridization for differentially expressed genes in the RNA-Seq screen. Col1a1 expression is shown for X. laevis, all others for X. tropicalis tadpoles. (h, i) In situ hybridization of tissue marker genes was examined in X. tropicalis (h) and X. laevis (i) after unilateral CRISPR targeting of ift80 and ift172. The quantifications indicate a stronger (gray) or weaker (black) signal on the injected side. No obvious changes were found, only the snail expression, marking cranial neural crest streams, appeared to be fused in ift80 and ift172 targeted embryos.