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Figure 5. Ssbp2 depletion reduces the expression domain of proximal and distal tubule markers. 8-cell stage Xenopus embryos were injected into a single V2 blastomere as indicated. The uninjected contralateral side was used as an internal control. (ae) WISH for pax2 in stage 32 embryos. *Indicate the position of the nephrostomes. (a) Uninjected embryo (8% affected, n=37, N=3). (b, c) St-MO 15 ng injected embryo (23% affected, n=40, N=2). (d, e) ssbp2-MO 15 ng injected embryo (66% affected, n=51, N=3). (fj) WISH for slc5a1 in stage 39 embryos. (f) Uninjected embryo (4% affected, n=47, N=2). (g, h) St-MO 15 ng injected embryo (19% affected, n=39, N=2). (i, j) ssbp2-MO 15 ng injected embryo (50% affected, n=34, N=2). (ko) WISH for clcnkb in stage 39 embryos. (k) Uninjected embryo (3% affected, n=35, N=2). (l, m) St-MO 15 ng injected embryo (23% affected, n=41, N=2). (n, o) ssbp2-MO 15 ng injected embryo (49% affected, n=33, N=2). Magnifications of the pronephric tubules enclosed by the black squares are shown in the left-bottom corner. Statistical significance was evaluated using Chi-square test (****p<0.0001; **p<0.01). *, Represent the comparison to the uninjected and the St-MO injected groups, respectively. Representative embryos are shown.

Image published in: Cervino AS et al. (2023)

Copyright © 2023. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

pax2.LLOC108697493, pax-2, pax2-a, pax2-b, XPax-2, XPax2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 32pronephric duct
pronephric nephrostome
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
optic stalk
slc5a1.Lsglt-1, SGLT1, slc5a1.1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 39pronephric kidney
proximal tubule
clcnkb.LClC-k, clc-kb, clckb, clcnka, clk-k2, LOC108703568, xClC-kX. laevisThroughout NF stage 39pronephric kidney
distal tubule

Image source: Published

Experiment + Assay Source Phenotypes and Disease
Xla WT + ssbp2 MO + NF32 (in situ hybridization) Fig. 5 e, j, o
Anatomical Phenotype
decreased size of the pronephric tubule
decreased size of the proximal tubule
decreased size of the distal tubule
abnormal pronephric tubule morphology
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount clcnkb.L expression in pronephric tubule
decreased amount pax2.L expression in pronephric tubule
decreased amount pax2.L expression in proximal tubule
decreased amount slc5a1.L expression in proximal tubule

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