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Xenbase Image ID: 198932

Figure 1. Npr3, a target of Pax3 and Zic1, is expressed in developing NC and CP. (A) By ISH, npr3 is detected at the neural plate border at neurula stages (NF stage 1317), and persists in the NC (yellow arrowheads) and CP (purple arrowheads) forming regions (NF stage 2226). npr3 expression is maintained in most CP-derivatives at NF stage 32. (B) Dissected brain regions at NF stages 3034 show additional npr3 expression domains in the floor plate (green arrowheads), zona limitans intrathalamica (blue arrowheads) and pineal gland (orange arrowheads). Upper right shows a transverse section through the hindbrain of a NF stage 30 embryo highlighting the floor plate expression of npr3 (green arrowhead). The embryonic stages are indicated in the lower right corner of each panel. (C) Zic1 (Zic1MO) or Pax3 (Pax3MO) knockdown reduces npr3 expression at the NPB. Injection of a CoMO did not affect npr3 expression. The asterisks (*) mark the injected side, also visualized by the lineage tracer Red-gal. Dorsal views, anterior to top. (D) Frequency of the phenotypes. The number of embryos analyzed is indicated at the top of each bar. ***p<0.0005, [Chi-squared] test.(EJ) Developmental qRT-PCR expression profile of npr1 (E), npr2 (F), npr3 (G), nppa (H), nppb (I) and nppc (J) in Xenopus. NF developmental stages are indicated on the x-axis, values are normalized to ornithine decarboxylase (odc). A representative experiment is shown. Two additional biological replicates are shown in Figure S1

Image published in: Devotta A et al. (2023)

© 2023, Devotta, Juraver-Geslin et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 13neural plate border
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural plate border
neural crest
neural groove
cranial placode
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 17neural plate border
neural crest
cranial placode
neural groove
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 22cranial neural crest
anterior placodal area
neural tube
cranial placode
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 26cranial neural crest
spinal cord
cranial placode
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30brain
zona limitans intrathalamica
pineal gland
spinal cord
floor plate
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisThroughout NF stage 32lens placode
epibranchial placode
olfactory placode
otic vesicle
spinal cord
npr3.Lnpr-c, nprcX. laevisSometime during NF stage 32 to NF stage 33 and 34brain
pineal gland
zona limitans intrathalamica
spinal cord
floor plate

Image source: Published

Experiment + Assay Source Phenotypes and Disease
Xla Wt + pax3 MO + NF15 (in situ hybridization) Fig. 1C
Expression Phenotype
absent npr3.L expression in neural crest
decreased amount pax3.L expression in cranial placode
Xla Wt + zic1 MO + NF15 (in situ hybridization) Fig. 1C
Expression Phenotype
absent npr3.L expression in cranial placode
absent npr3.L expression in neural crest

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