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Xenbase Image ID: 23832

Figure 3. Divergent Lhx2 expression patterns among vertebrates. A: Arrows point to XLhx2 expression in the (a) pineal gland, (b) eyes, and (c) olfactory placodes. B,C: Lateral views of stage 35/36 embryos. XLhx2 expression (B) is undetectable in and around the liver primordium (arrow) in spite of strong expression in the brain and eye. (Although not the focus of this study, readers interested in a comparative analysis of the Xenopus and mouse brain expression patterns of Lhx2 are directed to the work of Bachy et al. ([2001],[2002)] and Moreno et al. ([2004],[2005]). Shown are sections of stage 33/34 (D,E) and stage 41 (F,G) embryos; dorsal is the top. D,F: XLhx2 mRNA is undetected in and around the developing liver. In contrast, intense XHex expression is observed in the stage 33/34 liver diverticulum (E, arrow) and stage 41 liver bud (G, arrow). Images of stage 33/34 and 41 embryos were modified from Nieuwkoop and Faber ([1994]). St, stomach.

Image published in: Viczian AS et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

lhx2.Slhx2-a, lhx2-b, x-Lhx2, XLhx2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 25eye
olfactory placode
hhex.Lhex, tHex, XHexX. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34liver diverticulum
lhx2.Slhx2-a, lhx2-b, x-Lhx2, XLhx2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36brain
hhex.Lhex, tHex, XHexX. laevisThroughout NF stage 41liver primordium

Image source: Published

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