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Fig. 2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analyzes of Xpontin (A–I) and Xreptin (J–Q). (A) Xpontin expression at stage 6. (B) Xpontin expression at stage 10. (C) Section of a stage 11 embryo showing Xpontin expression in the ectoderm and the involuted mesoderm. (D) At neurula stage Xpontin is expressed in the anterior neuroectoderm. (E) Expression of Xpontin at stage 26 in neural crest cells. (F) Staining pattern in the head of a stage 30 embryo. (G) At stage 43 Xpontin transcripts are predominantly found in esophagus (o) and proctodeum (p). (H) Section of a stage 43 embryo showing expression in the gills (g) and the esophagus (o). (I) Staining of Xpontin transcripts in isolated gastrointestinal tract of stage 48 embryo is visible in the gall bladder (gb). (J) Xreptin expression at stage 6. (K) Section of a stage 9 embryo showing Xreptin expression in the animal cap, and (L) at stage 10. (M) Expression of Xreptin in premigratory neural crest cells at stage 15. (N) Expression of Xreptin in cephalic neural crest cells at stage 26, and (O) at stage 35. Arrows 1 and 2 in (O) indicate prominent staining in the adrenal medulla (1) and in an unknown structure (2). (P) Close up of (O). Levels of sections shown in (Q,R) are given. (Q,R) Transverse sections of a stage 35 embryo. The arrow head in (Q) indicates the pronephric tubulus which is not stained, and the arrow marks staining in the adrenomedullary cells.

Image published in: Etard C et al. (2000)

Copyright © 2000. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10upper blastopore lip
ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 11involuted dorsal mesoderm
ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15anterior
ruvbl2.LMGC52995, reptin, tip48, xReptinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural crest
neural plate
ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 26neural crest
head region
head mesoderm
ruvbl2.LMGC52995, reptin, tip48, xReptinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 26cranial neural crest
neural crest
adrenal medulla
mandibular crest
hyoid crest
anterior branchial crest
posterior branchial crest
ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30head mesoderm
head region
branchial arch
ruvbl2.LMGC52995, reptin, tip48, xReptinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36tail bud
head region
head mesoderm
optic field
anterior branchial crest
posterior branchial crest
ruvbl1.Spontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 43external gill
ruvbl1pontin, pontin52, tip49, xpontinXenopusThroughout NF stage 48gall bladder
ruvbl2MGC52995, reptin, tip48, xReptinXenopusSometime during NF stage 9 to NF stage 10animal cap

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