Xenbase Image ID: 42723
Fig. 2. FoxN4 is expressed in developing eye fields, brain, and retinal progenitor cells. (AâJ) Detection of FoxN4 (AâE) and Rx (FâI) expression in neural plate (st 16-A,F), neural tube (st 19-B,G) and tailbud (st 25-C,H; st 31-D,E,I) embryos by wholemount in situ hybridization (WISH) using antisense riboprobes. Arrow in I denotes pineal gland. (E) high magnification view of pronephric area from an embryo similar to that shown in D (box) but subjected to reduced proteinase K treatment and prolonged color reaction. (J) Comparison of FoxN4 and Rx expression in a st 19 embryo visualized by double in situ hybridization using antisense probes for FoxN4 (turquoise color) and Rx (magenta color). Arrowhead denotes region of Rx single staining. Jâ²: digital enlargement of left eye region in J to more clearly show Rx expression (arrowhead). (KâN) Analysis of FoxN4 expression in the developing brain of whole Xenopus embryos at neural tube and tailbud, at indicated stages. (OâT) Analysis of FoxN4 (OâS) and Rx (T) expression in sections obtained from paraffin-embedded fixed embryos at early tadpole stages. Arrowheads in R, T indicate the tips of the CMZ. Abbreviations: C, cement gland; CMZ (bracket), ciliary marginal zone; E, eye; FB, forebrain; HB, hindbrain; L, lens; MB, midbrain; O, olfactory bulb/placode/organ; R, retina. Image published in: Kelly LE et al. (2007) Copyright © 2007. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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