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Xenbase Image ID: 42777

Fig. 2. Embryonic expression of Panza and Edd. Whole-mount in situ hybridization for Panza (A,A1,A2,C,E,E1,E2,G,I) and Edd (B,B1,B2,D,F,F1,F2,H,J) at stages 14 (A,A1,A2,B,B1,B2), 17 (C,D), 20 (E,E1,E2,F,F1,F2), 26 (G,H), and 33 (I,J). Panza expression is first detected at the neurula stage in the dorsal primitive gut (archenteron roof) extending from the oral evagination to the blastopore, with expression extending more laterally in the posterior gut. With elongation of the body axis, Panza extends along the entire anterior–posterior axis in the dorsal gut endoderm, narrower in the anterior gut and gradually broadening in the posterior gut. Panza is also expressed in the chordaneural hinge, extending into the floorplate of the posterior neural tube (arrowheads). Edd is expressed throughout the dorsal, lateral and ventral endoderm, but not in the neural tube. (A–J) Lateral views of cleared embryos with anterior left are shown. (A1–F2) Transverse sections (dorsal up) of stained embryos at the axial levels indicated by dotted lines in (A,B,E,F). fp, Floorplate; n, notochord.

Image published in: Pineda-Salgado L et al. (2005)

Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

a2ml1LOC108697147, PanzaXenopusSometime during NF stage 14 to NF stage 33 and 34gastrocoel roof plate
oral evagination
neural plate
floor plate
axial mesoderm
chordoneural hinge
a2mA2Moo, Alpha2-macroglobulin, edd, endod, endodermin, LOC108695707, ovomacroglobulinXenopusSometime during NF stage 14 to NF stage 33 and 34endoderm
otic vesicle
hatching gland
prechordal plate

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