Xenbase Image ID: 45219
Fig. 3. The distribution of xNAP1L mRNA in embryos. Embryos were hybridised either with sense (A and D, as controls) or antisense (B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) xNAP1L probes. (B and C) Lateral and animal views, respectively, of stage 6 embryos with staining predominantly in the animal half, the mRNA is consistently perinuclear (arrowed in (C)). (E and F) Whole-mount and sectioned gastrula stage embryos, xNAP1L mRNA remains mainly at the animal pole and on the section can also be seen in the involuting mesoderm, the dorsal lip is arrowed in (F). (G) Anterior view of a stage 18 embryo, the mRNA is detectable in the neural plate and also on the ventral part of the embryo posterior to the cement gland. (H) Anterior view of a stage 23 embryo, xNAP1L is expressed in the eyes, brain, neural tube and branchial arches. (I) Lateral view of a stage 26 embryo, staining is visible in the tailbud as well as the neural system, eye and branchial arches. (J) Transverse section through the posterior head region of a stage 30 embryo, xNAP1L mRNA levels are highest in the ectoderm but detectable also in the lens (l) and branchial arches (ba), staining is completely absent from the cement gland (cg). (K) A stage 33 embryo showing staining as before and also in the lateral plate and blood islands (arrowed). (L) Double in situ showing globin (turquoise) and xNAP1L (purple) in a transverse section of the ventral region of a stage 33 embryo, xNAP1L expression is in the ectoderm precisely overlying the v.b.i. and in its outer cells. Image published in: Steer WM et al. (2003) Copyright © 2003. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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