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Xenbase Image ID: 46498

Fig. 2. Analysis of gdf16 expression in Xenopus. (A) Early tailbud stage (25) showing expression of gdf16 in the developing epibranchial facial and glossopharyngeal placodes (closed arrowhead) and neural expression (open arrowhead). (B) Stage 31/32 embryo showing the first vagal epibranchial placode immediately posterior to the first two placodes and the neural expression (open arrowhead). (C) Lateral view and (D) dorsal view of a stage 35 embryo exhibiting expression in the second and third vagal epibranchial placodes (closed arrowhead) posterior to the previous three epibranchial placodes, diencephalon expression (black arrow), and hindbrain (open arrowhead). (E) Transverse section through a stage 35 embryo showing roofplate staining in the diencephalon (black arrow) photographed at 200×. (F) Transverse section through a stage 35 embryo showing neural tube roof plate staining in the hindbrain (open arrowhead) and the glossopharyngeal placodes (closed arrowheads) photographed at 100× magnification. (G) Magnification (400×) of a stage 35 embryo showing the subdermal location of the expression in the glossopharyngeal placode (closed arrowhead). (H) Transverse section through a stage 35 embryo at the anterior border of the hindbrain expression (400×) showing expression in the roofplate of the neural tube. e, eye; hb, hindbrain; mg, midgut; nt, notochord; ov, otic vesicle.

Image published in: Vokes SA and Krieg PA (2000)

Copyright © 2000. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

gdf7.Sbmp12, gdf16, gdf-7X. laevisThroughout NF stage 25epibranchial placode
glossopharyngeal nerve
gdf7.Sbmp12, gdf16, gdf-7X. laevisSometime during NF stage 31 to NF stage 32epibranchial placode
gdf7.Sbmp12, gdf16, gdf-7X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36epibranchial placode
roof plate
neural tube
glossopharyngeal nerve

Image source: Published

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