Xenbase Image ID: 46509
Fig. 2. Expression of karyopherin-β3 in Xenopus embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation with Xenopus karyopherin-β3 antisense RNA. (A) A frontal view and (B) a parasagittal section at the neural fold level (stage 16) show strong expression of karyopherin-β3 in the ea, eye-Anlage and weaker expression in the sln, sensorial layer of the neuroectoderm. (C) A lateral view of a stage 23 embryo reveals karyopherin-β3 transcripts in the ey, eye, ba, branchial arches and in the tb, tailbud. No expression is visible in the cg, cement gland. (D) A horizontal section of stage 23 shows strong expression in the eye and branchial arches. Lower expression levels are detectable in the mb, midbrain and tb, tailbud. (E) In a stage 29 embryo (also shown in FâJ) karyopherin-β3 transcripts are localized in the eye, the branchial arches, the tt, tailtip and in the fore-/midbrain regions exept the pg, pineal gland. (F) In the parasagittal section of a late tailbud embryo, karyopherin-β3 expression is visible in the h, heart, tailtip, f, forebrain, midbrain and hm, head mesenchyme. No expression is detectable in the cement gland, n, notochord and en, endoderm. (G) The frontal section of the eye/midbrain level shows strong expression enhancement in the eyes and dorsal regions of the midbrain, a weaker signal is detected in the midbrain floor and hm, head mesenchym. No expression is visible in the cement gland, sa, stomodeal anlage and pineal gland. (H) Partial magnification of (G) shows a differential distribution of the midbrain and no signal in the ep, epidermis. (I) Frontal section just behind the head with strong expression in the nc, neural crest, scr, spinal chord roof, and lm, lateral mesoderm. (J) Posterior section of the embryo. The expression in neural crest cells becomes weak. Enhancement of expression is visible in the p, pronephros region and in the spinal cord roof, weak expression is detectable in the scf, spinal chord floor. Image published in: Wischnewski J et al. (2000) Copyright © 2000. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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