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Figure 2. neptune is expressed in the hatching gland, cement gland, and prospective VBI. (a) A stage-11 embryo, dorsal is to the right. neptune is expressed in the ectoderm of the animal pole but is being excluded from the future neural plate. Arrowheads show the location of the blastopore lip on the dorsal and ventral sides. (b) At stage 12, neptune is expressed in the cement gland primordium. At (c) stage 18 and (d) stage 22, there is expression in the cement and hatching glands. (b)–(d) are anterior views of the embryos. (e) A dorsal view of a stage-15 embryo shows ectodermal expression along the edge of the neural folds. (f,g) Tailbud stages. (h) and (i) show expression in the VII and IX cranial ganglia in stage-25 and stage-31 embryos, respectively. Ventral views of (j) stage-22 and (k) stage-25 embryos show expression in the VBI and around the remnant of the blastopore. neptune expression is excluded from the liver anlage (LA). (l) A lateral view of a stage-31 embryo. (m) Stage-37/38 embryo with circulating cells expressing neptune

Image published in: Huber TL et al. (2001)

Copyright © 2001. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

klf17klf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393XenopusThroughout NF stage 11ectoderm
animal cap
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 12cement gland primordium
neural plate border
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 15neural fold
anterior neural fold
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 18neural fold
cement gland primordium
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 22hatching gland
cement gland primordium
ventral blood island
stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 24cement gland primordium
hatching gland
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 25facial nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
cement gland primordium
hatching gland
ventral blood island
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 31facial nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
ventral blood island
cement gland
klf17.Lklf17.1, neptune, zfp393, znf393X. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38circulating cell

Image source: Published

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