Xenbase Image ID: 74666
Fig. 8. Spatial patterns of expression of TSP-3 mRNA. Whole mount in situ hybridization was performed on albino Xenopus embryos with digoxygenin-UTP labelled antisense TSP-3 probes. All embryos are oriented so that anterior is to the right except for F and G which are transverse sections with dorsal oriented to the top. A: Side view of a stage 13 neurula, arrowhead indicates staining along the dorsal midline corre- sponding to the notochord. B: Similar stage embryo to that in (A) viewed from the top. Arrowhead indicates the notochord. C: Stage 19 neurula, side view. Arrow points at the notochord and the arrowhead indicates the floor-plate of the neural tube. D: Stage 26 tailbud, side view. Stained notochord and floor plate are visible along the length of the embryo.
Arrowhead indicates sensorial layer of the ectoderm. E: Side view of a stage 33 tailbud. F: Optical transverse section in the trunk of a stage 30 tailbud. Arrowhead indicates sensorial layer of ectoderm, arrow points to the floor-plate of the neural tube. G: Transverse paraffin section of a whole-mount stained, stage 33 tailbud, through the hindbrain. Arrowhead points to expression in the roof plate, which was cracked during process- ing. H: Stage 35 tailbud, side view. White arrowhead indicates the intensely stained floor plate of the brain. I: Top view of the head of a stage 40 tadpole. Arrowhead indicates auditory epithelium. Black arrow points to olfactory epithelium, slightly out of the plane of focus and white arrow indicates staining in the epidermis. Image published in: Urry LA et al. (1998) Copyright © 1998. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.
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