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Xenbase Image ID: 75512

Figure 4. Heparanase expression during neurulation, organogenesis, and in tailbud embryos. Immunohistochemistry of whole embryos (A,D–G) and sections (B,C) at different stages of development using the αXHpa antibody. A: Dorsal view of a stage 20 embryo (anterior up). B,C: Transverse sections of tadpole stage embryos (dorsal up). D–G: Lateral (D,E), ventral (F), and dorsal (G) views of tadpole stage embryos. A higher magnification view of D is shown in E. C, cloaca; E, eye; G, gill; Gn, ganglion; H, heart; Kpd, kidney pronephric duct; Kpt, kidney pronephric tubule; L, liver; OP, olfactory placode; OV, otic vesicle; PG, pineal gland; Rh, rhombencephalon; S, somites; NT, neural tube; Te, tectum.Download figure to PowerPoint

Image published in: Bertolesi GE et al. (2011)

Copyright © 2011. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

hpse.Lheparanase, hpa, hpa1, hpr1, hpse1, hse1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 20neural tube
hpse.Lheparanase, hpa, hpa1, hpr1, hpse1, hse1X. laevisSometime during NF stage 39 to NF stage 42pronephric kidney
pronephric duct
pronephric nephron
pronephric tubule
central nervous system
spinal cord
olfactory placode
pineal gland
otic vesicle

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