Xenbase Image ID: 76246
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Fig. 3. Riboprobe wholemount in situ hybridization in Xenopus embryos. CAP2 is expressed along the paraxial mesoderm and in the region where the stomadeal pocket and cement glad will form (A). Subsequently, the paraxial mesoderm begins to segment (B) and cranio- facial expression drops off as somites differentiate (C). There is a brief period of expression in lens (white arrow) at stage 27, and in the heart (H) primordia (D). By stage 27, heart (H) expression is well established, and remains breifly de- tectable in the lens (L) (E). In contrast, at these stages CAP1 is ex- pressed in periocular mesencyme, lens, sensorial ectoderm and branchial arch (D insert). At later stages, CAP2 is expressed in the precursors to striated muscle including the myotome (Myo) (F), and in the developing heart (H), otic vesicle (O), musculus intermandibularis (IM), musculus orbitohyoidis (OH), and musculus subacuales rectis (SR) (G). At this stage, CAP2 is expressed in the retina, but CAP1 is not, although there is an annular domain of CAP1 expression around the circumference of the developing lens (G left insert). CAP1 is expressed in branchial arches but not in retina (compare G with CAP1 right insert). Expression seems to diminish when the muscles differentiate to the point of displaying visible striations (compare OH and Heart in G vs. H). Embryonic stages are indicated in the lower left corner of each photograph, and bars with numbers represent scale in micrometers. Image published in: Wolanski M et al. (2009) Copyright © 2009. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.
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