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Fig. 1. osr1 and osr2 are dynamically expressed in the developing Xenopus foregut and are required for lung development. (A-Gâ²â²) In situ hybridization of osr1 (A-D) and osr2 (E-H) expression in Xenopus tropicalis embryos and isolated gut tubes (D,H) at the indicated stages (st), anterior leftwards, dorsal upwards. Stage 15 embryos (A,E) are bisected and stage 33 embryos (Câ²-C[H11630],Gâ²-G[H11630]) are sectioned to show the endoderm (outlined in yellow in A,E). fg, foregut; hg, hindgut; de, dorsal endoderm; pe, posterior endoderm; e, esophagus; l/t, presumptive lung and trachea; lv, liver; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; k, kidney; s, stomach. (I-Nâ²) surfactant protein c (sftpc) (I-L) and nkx2.1 (M,Nâ²) expression in embryos injected on one side with Osr1/Osr2-MOs (10 ng each) or negative control mutated oligos MM-MO (20 ng) shows lung agenesis on the Osr1/Osr2-depleted side. (Mâ-Nâ²) Sections. Numbers of embryos with the shown phenotype are indicated. Dorsal view of an isolated gut tube (K,L) shows the lung bud absent on the injected side (red arrow).