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Xenbase Image ID: 80437

Fig. 2. Xath5 (X5) overexpression expands the expression of olfac- tory neural markers. RNA encoding -galactosidase ( -gal) alone (80 pg) or together with RNA for Xath5 (200 pg) or XNeuroD (50 pg) was injected into one cell of two-cell stage Xenopus embryos. Embryos were collected at neural plate (stage 20) or tail bud (stage 36) stages and assayed by in situ hybridization for neural- and olfactory-specific gene expression. The blue stain is the lineage tracer -gal, which identifies the injected side of the embryo. Embryos overexpressing Xath5 exhibited a striking expan- sion of Xomp2 expression on the injected side (A,C) compared with the uninjected side (B,C). D: Conversely, control embryos injected with -gal alone had symmetrical expression of Xomp2 within the olfactory epithe- lium on the injected and uninjected side. XNeuroD overexpression did not cause an expansion of Xomp2 expression but instead caused either a loss (E) or reduction (F, arrowhead) in Xomp2 expression. Embryos injected with RNA for -gal and Xath5 and assayed for N-tubulin expres- sion showed ectopic neurogenesis on the injected side of the embryo (arrowheads in G), whereas N-tubulin staining was predominantly re- stricted to the developing nervous system on the uninjected side (H). Embryos injected with -gal and Xath5 (I) or -gal alone (J) were ana- lyzed for Xebf2 expression at stage 20. Xebf2 expression was expanded on the injected side in embryos expressing -gal and Xath5 (bracket, I) but unchanged between the injected and uninjected sides in embryos overexpressing -gal alone (arrow, J). Embryos in A, B, G, and H are shown in a lateral view with the anterior to the left. In C, I, and J, embryos are shown in an anterior view, injected side to the right.

Image published in: Burns CJ and Vetter ML (2002)

Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

ebf2.Sebf2-a, ebf2-b, Mmot1, oe3, xcoe2, Xebf2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 20olfactory placode
olfactory region
preplacodal ectoderm
anterior placodal area
posterior placodal area
omp.LOMP1, OMP2, omp-a, omp-b, xomp1, xomp2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36olfactory bulb
olfactory region
olfactory system
tubb2b.SNBT, neural beta-tubulin, NST, N-Tub, n-tubulin, ntubulin, Xn-tubulinX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36brain
central nervous system
spinal cord
cranial placode
cranial nerve
olfactory bulb

Image source: Published

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