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Fig. 3. Developmental expression of gcm2. A,B: gcm2 was first detected at stage 31 by whole mount in situ hybridization in two longitudinal stripes in the pharyngeal region. At stage 32 (C,D) and stage 34 (E,F), gcm2 was now expressed in three distinct stripes. At stage 40 (G,H) and by stage 41 (I), gcm2 expression appeared to be confined to the developing gills (arrows). A: Lateral views, dorsal towards the top, anterior to the left. B, D, F, H are higher magnification views of the embryos shown in A, C, E, G. In situ hybridization on longitudinal sections of stage-32 (J,K) and stage-34 (L,M) embryos confirmed the expression of gcm2 in the endoderm and ectoderm components of the second, third, and fourth pha- ryngeal arches, with stronger expression in the third arch. For J,K and L,M, the level of the section is indicated by a white line in D and F, respec- tively. In J, anterior towards the top. N,O: Hematoxylin and eosin staining of a section through the thoracic region of a 3-month-old (90 days) froglet. The parathyroid (arrow) was located in the vicinity of the aortic arch arteries. O is a higher magnification view of the parathyroid shown in N. aa, aortic arch artery; ca, carotid artery; pa, pulmonary artery; ph, pharynx; pp, pharyngeal pouches; IIV, pharyngeal arches. In each panel, the stage/age is indicated in the lower left corner. The scale bars (A, C, E and G) 1⁄4 500 mm; (B, D, F, H, and I) 1⁄4 250 mm; (J, L, and N) 1⁄4 200 mm; (K, M, and O) 1⁄4 100 mm. P: In 3-month-old froglets, Gcm2 was specifically detected in the parathyroid (Pa) by real time RT-PCR, while in other tis- sues, including brain (Br), heart (He), and thymus (Th), gcm2 was essentially undetectable.

Image published in: Lee YH et al. (2013)

Copyright © 2013. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

gcm2.SGcm-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 31pharyngeal region
gcm2.SGcm-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 32pharyngeal endoderm
pharyngeal pouch
gcm2.SGcm-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34pharyngeal endoderm
pharyngeal pouch
gcm2.SGcm-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 40pharyngeal endoderm
pharyngeal pouch
gcm2.SGcm-2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 41pharyngeal endoderm
pharyngeal pouch

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