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Xenbase Image ID: 81918

Figure 3. Expression of Fermt1 from stages 12 to 35. A:Fermt1 expression at stage 12, 15, and 18, respectively. Expression in the ectoderm is clearly seen in transverse section. D: Fermt1 expression is detected throughout the ectoderm and weakly in the somites at stage 22. E: At stage 28, Fermt1 becomes restricted to a number of ectodermal derivatives, including otic, olfactory, and pharyngeal placodes, and pronephric anlage. F: By stage 35, Fermt1 transcripts are detected in the otic vesicle (black arrow), olfactory pit (black asterisk), heart (back arrowhead), and in the pronephric duct (white arrowhead). G: Transverse sections are observed through the level of the eye/olfactory pit (G), the otic vesicle (H), and the pronephric duct (I). Inset (F) demarcates the levels at which sections were analysed (G).

Image published in: Canning CA et al. (2011)

Copyright © 2011. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

fermt1.Sfermitin 1, KIND1, Kindlin1X. laevisSometime during NF stage 12 to NF stage 18ectoderm
fermt1.Sfermitin 1, KIND1, Kindlin1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 22ectoderm
intersomitic region
fermt1.Sfermitin 1, KIND1, Kindlin1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 28otic vesicle
olfactory region
dorsal fin
cephalic nerve
visceral pouch
intersomitic region
pronephric mesenchyme
cranial nerve
facial nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium
fermt1.Sfermitin 1, KIND1, Kindlin1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36skin
liver primordium
pronephric kidney
pronephric duct
pronephric tubule
early proximal tubule
dorsal fin
otic vesicle
head region
pharyngeal arch
olfactory bulb
choroid fissure

Image source: Published

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