Xenbase Image ID: 82901
FIG. 1. Anti-bovine b-crystallin antibody labeling of tadpole stage 38 embryo (A) and close-up (B) of the normal lens from an injected embryo. (C) Transverse section of anti-bovine- b-crystallin anti body-stained tadpole, stage 28. (D)Whole mount in situ hybridization of a stage 28 embryo using a Xenopus bB1-crystallin probe. (E) Animal cap assay of Pax-6-injected Xenopus embryos assessed for the expression of tissue-specific markers at stage 34 using RT�PCR. The lens-specific marker bB1-crystallin was produced in a dose-dependent manner (lanes 1� 4: 1.0, 0.25, 0.06, and 0.5 ng/embryo, respectively) in the absence of NCAM expression. Injection of RNA-encoding Noggin (lane 5, 2.0 ng) serves as a positive control for response of the explants and gives the expected expression of the neural marker NCAM. Muscle actin is used as a mesodermal marker and EF1a as a loading control. (F) Uninjected animal cap stained with b-crystallin antibody. (G, H) Animal caps injected with 1.4 ng Pax-6-FLAG RNA (sibling control at stage 33/34). Image published in: Altmann CR et al. (1997) Copyright © 1997. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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