Xenbase Image ID: 83391
Fig. 6. Ets-1 and ets-2 are expressed in the cranial, vagal, and dorsal root ganglia. (A) Whole-mount hybridization with an ets-1 probe on stage 29/30 embryos showing a conspicuous expression of ets-1 in the cranial ganglia and in the vagal and truncal neural crest cells (respectively VC and TC). Also note the staining at the level of the condensing pronephros, in the hemangioblast precurors, in the ventral region (red arrowhead), and in the forming hyaloid artery (white arrow). (B) Whole-mount hybridization with an ets-2 probe on stage 29/30 embryos showing the same expression in cranial ganglia, vagal, and truncal neural crest cells. The punctuated signal in the trunk neural crests is strongly evocative of the future dorsal-root ganglia (DRG). Also note the presence of ets-2 transcripts at the level of the forming pronephros rudiment and in the forming lens. At that stage, ets-1 is not expressed in the forming lens(A). (C) Whole-mount hybridization with an ets-2 probe on a stage 36/37 embryo, showing that in addition to gV and gVII-VIII, the vagal complex (GIX and X) is now labeled. (D,E) Whole-mount hybridization on stage 29/30 embryos (dorsal view) with ets-1 and ets-2 probes respectively, showing the conspicuous expression at the level of the future DRGs. (F,G) Horizontal sections of whole-mount hybridizations with an ets-2 probe, on stage 29/30 and 36/37 embryos respectively, showing the intense labeling of the cranial ganglia and vagal complex. Note that the lens, which is labeled at stage 29/30, is no longer stained at stage 36/37. In (A to E) embryos were cleared in Murray's reagent. AV, auditory vesicle; CG. cement gland: E, eye: gV, fifth cranial ganglion (trigeminal or gasserian); gVII-VIII,seventh and eighth cranial ganglia (geniculate and auditory); glX, ninth cranial ganglion (glossopharyngeal): gX, tenth cranial ganglion (vagus or pneumogastric); L. lens: P,pronephros. Bars, 100.um. Image published in: Meyer D et al. (1997) Copyright © 1997. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.
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