Xenbase Image ID: 84344
Fig. 4. Localization of Xenopus ADH1 and ADH4 mRNAs by wholemount
in situ hybridization. A: ADH1 mRNA detection in pronephros and
liver rudiment in a stage 35/36 tadpole treated with an ADH1 antisense
riboprobe; no detection was observed in a tadpole treated with a control
ADH1 sense riboprobe. B: A transverse section of the embryo shown in A
showing ADH1 mRNA detection in each pronephros. C: Section of
embryo in A showing ADH1 mRNA localization in the developing liver
rudiment. D: ADH1 mRNA detection in the liver of a stage 45 tadpole
treated with an ADH1 antisense riboprobe; control tadpole was treated
with an ADH1 sense riboprobe. E: Adult stomach treated with a control
ADH4 sense riboprobe shows essentially no background detection. F:
Adult stomach treated with an ADH4 antisense riboprobe reveals mRNA
detection localized to only the gastric mucosa. Magnifications: A, 153; B,
E, F, 100 3; C, 403; and D, 203. Image published in: Hoffmann I et al. (1998) Copyright © 1998. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.
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