de Moor Lab
Research Interests
Translational control in oocytes, eggs and embryosResearch Area
The research in my laboratory focuses on post-transcriptional gene regulation of mRNA and protein expression, especially by sequences downstream of the stop codon of the protein coding region. This type of gene regulation is much more common than previously thought, and includes modulation of mRNA stability, translational control, mRNA localisation and changes in nuclear polyadenylation. The regulation is generally mediated by RNA binding proteins, microRNAs and/or polyadenylation and deadenylation. We study these processes in cell lines during cell adhesion and proliferation, during the inflammatory response and in human embryonic stem cells. Our work has potential applications in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, cancer and regenerative medicine. Our funding currently comes from the BBSRC and Arthritis Research UK.Current Members
de Moor, Cornelia

Institution: University of Nottingham Address:University of Nottingham
School of Pharmacy
United Kingdom
Web Page: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/Pharmacy/People/cornelia.de_moor