Dovichi Laboratory
Research Interests
Proteomics & genomics & tools to study themResearch Area
ULTRA-SENSITIVE CE-LIF Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is the most sensitive method for detection in capillary electrophoresis. The Dovichi group pioneered the use of a sheath flow cuvette that hydrodynamically focuses the sample stream at the tip of the capillary and dramatically lowers scatter. The focused sample stream then passes through a focused laser and any emitted fluorescence is then sent to an avalanche photodiode for detection. This setup lowers the limit of detection to 100 molecules or less. Further adaptations can allow for even single molecule detection. The exquisite sensitivity of our CE-LIF systems allows us to obtain unprecedented biological information from single cells. ELECTROKINETICALLY DRIVEN CE-MS Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) is widely used for large and small molecular characterization. However, it is still hampered by the interface due to serious sample dilution. Our group has developed an electrokinetically driven sheath flow interface for high sensitive detection of large molecules (i.e. proteins/peptides). The interface has several advantages, including high sensitivity due to reduced sample dilution (low amole detection limit for peptides), no requirement of an additional pump for sheath flow, and compatibility with both basic and acidic separation buffers. The interface has been used for one and multidimensional CE-MS systems for bimolecular identification and quantitation in our group. Different CE modes (capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusing) have been coupled to different mass spectrometers (LCQ, LTQ, LTQ-Orbitrap Velos, Q-TOF (Bruker), QqQ (AB SCIEX), Q-Exactive, Q-Exactive HF and Oribtrap Fusion) with the interface at present. Our goal is to characterize the protein expression in large numbers of cells and in a single cell with the highly sensitive CE-MS system. A commercialized version of the interface is now available for purchase through CMP Scientific.Current Members
Dovichi, Norman J (Principal Investigator/Director) ContactAdditional Information
Institution: University of Notre Dame Address:Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Web Page: https://dovichilab.weebly.com