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Laboratory of Miler T. Lee

Research Interests

Eggs, RNA and Pluripotency, Developmental genomics, stem cells

Research Area

We study gene regulation during the earliest stages of embryonic development, using high-throughput experimental and computational genomics. Potential Ph.D. students interested in gene regulation, development, evo-devo and/or computational genomics are encouraged to apply here:

Current Members

Lee, Miler T (Principal Investigator/Director) Contact

Additional Information

We are always looking for folks to join the lab who are interested in evo-devo, chromatin and RNA regulation, especially if you’re eager to be involved in both computational and bench science. We are committed to maintaining a safe environment for everyone and fostering diversity and inclusion in everything that we do. Diversity is essential in science and beyond, and we hope you can join us in our pursuits. E-mail the PI, miler [at] Prospective post docs should send a cover letter and CV Prospective Ph.D. students should apply to the Pitt Biological Sciences MCDB or EE tracks, the Pitt Integrated Systems Biology Program, or the Joint CMU-Pitt Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology and email the PI to start the conversation Admitted Ph.D. students looking for a rotation should e-mail the PI as early as possible Undergraduate students interested in a long-term research experience should send a CV, transcript, and a short statement of research interests We tend to look more favorably on students who have done a bit of background reading first (maybe start here?). Computational Biology majors interested in bioinformatics projects should ideally have already taken BIOSC 1540 (Computational Biology) Frosh and sophomores are especially welcome to get in touch


Institution: University of Pittsburgh, BioSciences

Web Page: