Finkielstein Lab
Research Interests
Integrated Cellular Responses LaboratoryResearch Area
Most of the cancer malignancies arise from malfunction of genes that control the cellular responses to DNA-damage as well as cell growth and division. The fact that cancer results from the combined action of multiple oncogenic alterations argues that single-agent therapies will remain the exception. The identification of appropriate targets is based on a detailed understanding of the molecular changes underlying tumor growth and progression. Recent preclinical studies have suggested that radiotherapy in combination with other targeting agents enhances the therapeutic ratio of ionizing radiation alone. However, resistance of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and radiotherapy represents a major obstacle in anti-cancer therapy. Our research will precisely define why some tumors fail to respond to radiotherapy in the first place, and how to interfere with this resistance pathway so that more effective treatment modalities can be developed.Current Members
Finkielstein, Carla V. (Principal Investigator/Director)Contact
Institution: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Address:Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Web Page: http://www.faculty.biol.vt.edu/finkielstein/index.htm