Moss Lab
Research Interests
ribosomal RNA gene expression, intracellular signal transductionResearch Area
To better understand cancer, our laboratory is interested in aspects of both embryonic development and gene regulation. In particular, we are studying the role of signal transduction in regulating these processes in both mammals and amphibia. We are applying the most advanced techniques of molecular biology to these problems as well as taking advantage of proteomics, transgenics and “Gene- Knockout”.Current Members
Moss, Tom (Principal Investigator/Director)Contact
Institution: L'université Laval Address:Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie
de l’Université Laval
Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
9 rue McMahon
Québec PC, Québec
G1R 2J6, Canada
Web Page: http://www.chuq.qc.ca/labomoss