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Mitchison Lab

Research Interests

Cell Biology

Research Area

Our research group uses systematic and quantitative methods to address problems in basic cell biology and medicine. Specifically, we are interested in how the mechanism of cell division responds to metabolism, cell size and shape, and pharmacological cues in both normal and diseased cells. Our research group uses systematic and quantitative methods to address problems in basic cell biology and medicine. Specifically, we are interested in how the mechanism of cell division responds to metabolism, cell size and shape, and pharmacological cues in both normal and diseased cells.

Current Members

Field, Christine Marie (Principal Investigator/Director) Contact
Mitchison, Timothy J (Principal Investigator/Director) Contact


Böke, Elvan (Post-doc)
Wühr, Martin (Post-doc)


Institution: Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School
Alpert 536, Systems Biology
200 Longwood Ave
Boston, MA
02115, USA

Web Page: