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Profile Publications (21)
Name: Nick Marsh-Armstrong
Position: Professor of Neuroscience
Research Description:
Our lab studies the interaction of neurons with glia in various contexts.  We study the mitochondria of retinal ganglion cell to understand the particular susceptibility of these cells in glaucoma.  We study how astrocytes and monocytes contribute to clear debris within the optic nerve, during normal physiology, injury and disease, development and regeneration.  We study this biology by molecular genetic and imaging approaches in both mice and frogs.  While our studies are aimed to understand basic biology, they are of direct relevance to various diseases of the nervous system, and principally to glaucoma.

Lab Memberships

Marsh-Armstrong Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

University of California Davis
3455A Tupper Hall
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA
95616, USA

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