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Profile Publications (15)
Name: Dr. Tereza Tlapakova
Position: Lecturer
Research Description:
Cytogenetics and genetics of Xenopus species. Our group has developed a method of gene visualization using tyramide amplification of labeled short coding DNA sequences. The determination of gene positions in chromosomes is used for the integration of genetic, physical and sequence maps of X. tropicalis. Another field of our interest is testis differentiation. Our group succeeded in establishing of long term cell culture derived from testes of juvenile froglets. The feeder layer of pre-Sertoli cells allows the growing of colonies of testicular stem cells.

Lab Memberships

Krylov Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Department of Cell Biology
Vinicna 7
Prague 2
128 44, Czech Republic

Web Page:
Phone:  420 221 951 773
Fax:  420 221 951 758