Name: Dr. Michael Hadjiargyrou
Position: Professor
Research Description:
My research focuses on understanding the development and regeneration of the musculoskeletal system. Specifically, he seeks to develop innovative approaches for engineering new musculoskeletal tissue using knowledge derived from basic molecular/cellular biology and biomaterials. I received my training in molecular and cell biology at the City University of New York and completed his post-doctoral fellowship at the California Institute of Technology. Prior to joining NYIT, I was assistant and associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stony Brook University as well as graduate program director and associate vice president for research. Recent Projects & Research Transcriptional Profiling of Bone Regeneration Discovery and characterization of Mustn1 The role of HIF-1a and apoptosis on bone regeneration Biomimetic electrospun scaffolds for tissue engineering MicroRNA mechanisms during fracture repair
Lab Memberships
Hadjiargyrou Lab
Contact Information
New York Institute of Technology
New York
Web Page: https://www.nyit.edu/bio/mhadji