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Profile Publications (4)
Name: Dr. Michael D Yoder
Position: Assistant Professor
Research Description:
The overall goal of my research is to better understand how regulated cell-cell adhesion drives tissue morphogenesis during early embryonic development. In general, perturbation of tissue fusion, cell adhesion, or cell sorting can lead to numerous birth defects, including early gross gastrulation defects, spina bifida, and congenital heart diseases. Additionally, aberrant cell sorting and tissue separation are major components of tumorigenesis. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing cell sorting and tissue separation will have application not only to developmental biology in general, but also to the development of congenital and adult disease states.
Disease Research Areas/Interest:
spina bifida, congenital heart disease

Lab Memberships

Yoder Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Biology Department
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR

Web Page: