Name: Natalya Zahn
Position: Illustrator
Research Description:
All of the Zahn drawings were first published at http://ase.tufts.edu/biology/faculty/adams/zahnDrawings.htm and are now permanently hosted on Xenbase under an Open Access CC-BY-NC license. The Zahn drawings are freely available for non-commercial use. To reproduce the Zahn images, please cite the open access article(s) below. Zahn N, James-Zorn C, Ponferrada VG, Adams DS, Grzymkowski J, Buchholz DR, Nascone-Yoder NM, Horb M, Moody SA, Vize PD, Zorn AM, Normal Table of Xenopus development: a new graphical resource, Development, 2022 Jul 15;149(14):dev200356, doi:10.1242/dev.200356 and/or The Zahn drawings: new illustrations of Xenopus embryo and tadpole stages for studies of craniofacial development Natalya Zahn, Michael Levin, and Dany Spencer Adams Development 2017 144:2708-2713; doi:10.1242/dev.151308
Contact Information
Web Page: http://www.natalya.com