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Profile Publications (59)
Name: Dr. Elenora Palma
Position: Professor of Physiology
Research Description:
prof. palma is a physiologist with a special interest in neurological diseases. She studied the GABAergic dysfunction in human epilepsies using different electrophysiological and molecular approaches. She had a long-lasting collaboration with Prof. Ricardo Miledi, Irvine University (CA, USA) and more recently, she collaborates with Prof. Eleonora Aronica, Amsterdam University. Thanks to the collaboration with Prof. M. Inghilleri, head of ALS Center at Hospital Policlinico Umberto I Rome, Prof. Palma started to work on the involvement of nicotinic receptors in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease progression. Recently Prof. Palma focused her interest on the role of neurotransmitters’ dysfunction in human and experimental epilepsies particularly with regard to rare neurodevelopmental disease

Lab Memberships

Palma Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
University of Rome Sapienza

Web Page: