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Profile Publications (6)
Name: Dr. Richard R Behringer
Position: Professor of Genetics
Research Description:
We utilize genetic, embryological and comparative approaches to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to the formation of a ( mostly mammalian) embryo, the genesis of tissues and organs during development, and the pathological consequences of developmental defects. In addition, we study the genetic mechanisms that result in organ morphology and physiology differences that have evolved between species. 
The reproductive organs are essential for individuals to generate progeny and are a common source of disease. We are interested in defining the factors that cause the male and female phenotypes, including gonad and reproductive tract differentiation during embryogenesis and after birth. We are currently defining gene regulatory networks for reproductive organ development, using "-omics" profiling of developing reproductive organ tissues and generation of mutations in a variety of vertebrate species, including mammals, amphibians (including Xenopus) , reptiles, and birds.

Contact Information

Department of Genetics,
Division of Division of Discovery Science
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX

Web Page: