I-SceI-Mediated Transgenesis in Xenopus. , Noble A , Abu-Daya A, Guille MJ ., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. June 24, 2022; 2022 (6): Pdb.prot107011.
RedoxiFluor: A microplate technique to quantify target-specific protein thiol redox state in relative percentage and molar terms. , Tuncay A, Noble A , Guille M, Cobley JN ., Free Radic Biol Med. March 1, 2022; 181 118-129.
Cryopreservation of Xenopus Sperm and In Vitro Fertilization Using Frozen Sperm Samples. , Noble A , Abu-Daya A , Guille M ., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. February 1, 2022; 2022 (2):
ALISA: A microplate assay to measure protein thiol redox state. , Noble A , Guille M , Cobley JN ., Free Radic Biol Med. October 1, 2021; 174 272-280.
Reversible Thiol Oxidation Inhibits the Mitochondrial ATP Synthase in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes. , Cobley J , Noble A , Bessell R, Guille M, Husi H., Antioxidants (Basel). March 5, 2020; 9 (3):
Family-wide Structural and Biophysical Analysis of Binding Interactions among Non-clustered δ-Protocadherins. , Harrison OJ, Brasch J, Katsamba PS, Ahlsen G, Noble AJ , Dan H, Sampogna RV, Potter CS, Carragher B, Honig B, Shapiro L., Cell Rep. February 25, 2020; 30 (8): 2655-2671.e7.
Catalyst-free Click PEGylation reveals substantial mitochondrial ATP synthase sub-unit alpha oxidation before and after fertilisation. , Cobley JN , Noble A , Jimenez-Fernandez E, Valdivia Moya MT, Guille M, Husi H., Redox Biol. September 1, 2019; 26 101258.
Xenopus Resources: Transgenic, Inbred and Mutant Animals, Training Opportunities, and Web-Based Support. , Horb M , Wlizla M , Abu-Daya A , McNamara S, Gajdasik D, Igawa T , Suzuki A , Ogino H , Noble A , Centre de Ressource Biologique Xenope team in France, Robert J , James-Zorn C , Guille M ., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 387.
Adipose tissue macrophages develop from bone marrow-independent progenitors in Xenopus laevis and mouse. , Hassnain Waqas SF, Noble A , Hoang AC, Ampem G, Popp M, Strauß S, Guille M , Röszer T., J Leukoc Biol. September 1, 2017; 102 (3): 845-855.
An optimized method for cryogenic storage of Xenopus sperm to maximise the effectiveness of research using genetically altered frogs. , Pearl E , Morrow S, Noble A , Lerebours A, Horb M , Guille M ., Theriogenology. April 1, 2017; 92 149-155.
A newly identified Rab-GDI paralogue has a role in neural development in amphibia. , Nazlamova L, Noble A , Schubert FR, McGeehan J, Myers F , Guille M , Scarlett G ., Gene. January 30, 2017; 599 78-86.
Validation of the sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test in the amphibian Xenopus laevis using in situ nick translation and comet assay. , Pollock K, Gosálvez J, Arroyo F, López-Fernández C, Guille M, Noble A , Johnston SD., Reprod Fertil Dev. November 1, 2015; 27 (8): 1168-74.
Inbreeding Ratio and Genetic Relationships among Strains of the Western Clawed Frog, Xenopus tropicalis. , Igawa T , Watanabe A, Suzuki A , Kashiwagi A , Kashiwagi K , Noble A , Guille M , Simpson DE, Horb ME , Fujii T, Sumida M ., PLoS One. July 16, 2015; 10 (7): e0133963.
The emergence of Pax7-expressing muscle stem cells during vertebrate head muscle development. , Nogueira JM, Hawrot K, Sharpe C , Noble A , Wood WM, Jorge EC, Goldhamer DJ, Kardon G, Dietrich S., Front Aging Neurosci. May 19, 2015; 7 62.
Husbandry of Xenopus tropicalis. , Jafkins A, Abu-Daya A , Noble A , Zimmerman LB , Guille M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 917 17-31.
pTransgenesis: a cross-species, modular transgenesis resource. , Love NR , Thuret R , Chen Y , Ishibashi S , Sabherwal N , Paredes R, Alves-Silva J, Dorey K , Noble AM , Guille MJ , Sasai Y , Papalopulu N , Amaya E ., Development. December 1, 2011; 138 (24): 5451-8.
Intact RNA-binding domains are necessary for structure-specific DNA binding and transcription control by CBTF122 during Xenopus development. , Scarlett GP , Elgar SJ, Cary PD, Noble AM , Orford RL, Kneale GG, Guille MJ ., J Biol Chem. December 10, 2004; 279 (50): 52447-55.