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Profile Publications (19)

Publications By Edgar M. Pera


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Inhibition of the serine protease HtrA1 by SerpinE2 suggests an extracellular proteolytic pathway in the control of neural crest migration., Pera EM, Nilsson-De Moura J, Pomeshchik Y, Roybon L, Milas I., Elife. April 18, 2024; 12   

Head organizer: Cerberus and IGF cooperate in brain induction in Xenopus embryos., Azbazdar Y, Pera EM, De Robertis EM., Cells Dev. December 16, 2023; 203897.   

Inhibition of iduronic acid biosynthesis by ebselen reduces glycosaminoglycan accumulation in mucopolysaccharidosis type I fibroblasts., Maccarana M, Tykesson E, Pera EM, Gouignard N, Fang J, Malmström A, Ghiselli G, Li JP., Glycobiology. November 18, 2021; 31 (10): 1319-1329.

Gene expression of the two developmentally regulated dermatan sulfate epimerases in the Xenopus embryo., Gouignard N, Schön T, Holmgren C, Strate I, Taşöz E, Wetzel F, Maccarana M, Pera EM., PLoS One. January 18, 2018; 13 (1): e0191751.   

Musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and neurocristopathies: dermatan sulfate is required for Xenopus neural crest cells to migrate and adhere to fibronectin., Gouignard N, Maccarana M, Strate I, von Stedingk K, Malmström A, Pera EM., Dis Model Mech. June 1, 2016; 9 (6): 607-20.   

The serpin PN1 is a feedback regulator of FGF signaling in germ layer and primary axis formation., Acosta H, Iliev D, Grahn TH, Gouignard N, Maccarana M, Griesbach J, Herzmann S, Sagha M, Climent M, Pera EM., Development. March 15, 2015; 142 (6): 1146-58.   

Active signals, gradient formation and regional specificity in neural induction., Pera EM, Acosta H, Gouignard N, Climent M, Arregi I., Exp Cell Res. February 1, 2014; 321 (1): 25-31.

The dual regulator Sufu integrates Hedgehog and Wnt signals in the early Xenopus embryo., Min TH, Kriebel M, Hou S, Pera EM., Dev Biol. October 1, 2011; 358 (1): 262-76.   

Retinol dehydrogenase 10 is a feedback regulator of retinoic acid signalling during axis formation and patterning of the central nervous system., Strate I, Min TH, Iliev D, Pera EM., Development. February 1, 2009; 136 (3): 461-72.   

Expression of the novel gene Ened during mouse and Xenopus embryonic development., Meszaros R, Strate I, Pera EM, Durbeej M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (8): 1119-22.   

Integrating patterning signals: Wnt/GSK3 regulates the duration of the BMP/Smad1 signal., Fuentealba LC, Eivers E, Ikeda A, Hurtado C, Kuroda H, Pera EM, De Robertis EM., Cell. November 30, 2007; 131 (5): 980-93.   

The secreted serine protease xHtrA1 stimulates long-range FGF signaling in the early Xenopus embryo., Hou S, Maccarana M, Min TH, Strate I, Pera EM., Dev Cell. August 1, 2007; 13 (2): 226-41.   

Exploration of the extracellular space by a large-scale secretion screen in the early Xenopus embryo., Pera EM, Hou S, Strate I, Wessely O, De Robertis EM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2005; 49 (7): 781-96.   

Integration of IGF, FGF, and anti-BMP signals via Smad1 phosphorylation in neural induction., Pera EM, Ikeda A, Eivers E, De Robertis EM., Genes Dev. December 15, 2003; 17 (24): 3023-8.

Darmin is a novel secreted protein expressed during endoderm development in Xenopus., Pera EM, Martinez SL, Flanagan JJ, Brechner M, Wessely O, De Robertis EM., Gene Expr Patterns. May 1, 2003; 3 (2): 147-52.   

Isthmin is a novel secreted protein expressed as part of the Fgf-8 synexpression group in the Xenopus midbrain-hindbrain organizer., Pera EM, Kim JI, Martinez SL, Brechner M, Li SY, Wessely O, De Robertis EM., Mech Dev. August 1, 2002; 116 (1-2): 169-72.   

Neural and head induction by insulin-like growth factor signals., Pera EM, Wessely O, Li SY, De Robertis EM., Dev Cell. November 1, 2001; 1 (5): 655-65.   

Neural induction in the absence of mesoderm: beta-catenin-dependent expression of secreted BMP antagonists at the blastula stage in Xenopus., Wessely O, Agius E, Oelgeschläger M, Pera EM, De Robertis EM., Dev Biol. June 1, 2001; 234 (1): 161-73.   

A direct screen for secreted proteins in Xenopus embryos identifies distinct activities for the Wnt antagonists Crescent and Frzb-1., Pera EM, De Robertis EM., Mech Dev. September 1, 2000; 96 (2): 183-95.   

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