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Profile Publications (9)

Publications By Bo Yan


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Microarray identification of novel genes downstream of Six1, a critical factor in cranial placode, somite, and kidney development., Yan B, Neilson KM, Ranganathan R, Maynard T, Streit A, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2015; 244 (2): 181-210.   

Novel animal pole-enriched maternal mRNAs are preferentially expressed in neural ectoderm., Grant PA, Yan B, Johnson MA, Johnson DL, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2014; 243 (3): 478-96.   

Developmental expression patterns of candidate cofactors for vertebrate six family transcription factors., Neilson KM, Pignoni F, Yan B, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2010; 239 (12): 3446-66.   

Microarray identification of novel downstream targets of FoxD4L1/D5, a critical component of the neural ectodermal transcriptional network., Yan B, Neilson KM, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2010; 239 (12): 3467-80.   

Notch signaling downstream of foxD5 promotes neural ectodermal transcription factors that inhibit neural differentiation., Yan B, Neilson KM, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2009; 238 (6): 1358-65.   

foxD5 plays a critical upstream role in regulating neural ectodermal fate and the onset of neural differentiation., Yan B, Neilson KM, Moody SA., Dev Biol. May 1, 2009; 329 (1): 80-95.   

Eya1 and Six1 promote neurogenesis in the cranial placodes in a SoxB1-dependent fashion., Schlosser G, Awtry T, Brugmann SA, Jensen ED, Neilson K, Ruan G, Stammler A, Voelker D, Yan B, Zhang C, Klymkowsky MW, Moody SA., Dev Biol. August 1, 2008; 320 (1): 199-214.   

The competence of Xenopus blastomeres to produce neural and retinal progeny is repressed by two endo-mesoderm promoting pathways., Yan B, Moody SA., Dev Biol. May 1, 2007; 305 (1): 103-19.   

Noggin signaling from Xenopus animal blastomere lineages promotes a neural fate in neighboring vegetal blastomere lineages., Huang S, Yan B, Sullivan SA, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2007; 236 (1): 171-83.   

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