hoxc12/c13 as key regulators for rebooting the developmental program in Xenopus limb regeneration. , Kawasumi-Kita A, Lee SW, Ohtsuka D, Niimi K, Asakura Y, Kitajima K, Sakane Y, Tamura K , Ochi H , Suzuki KT , Morishita Y., Nat Commun. April 22, 2024; 15 (1): 3340.
An archetype and scaling of developmental tissue dynamics across species. , Morishita Y, Lee SW, Suzuki T, Yokoyama H , Kamei Y, Tamura K , Kawasumi-Kita A., Nat Commun. December 11, 2023; 14 (1): 8199.
The shh limb enhancer is activated in patterned limb regeneration but not in hypomorphic limb regeneration in Xenopus laevis. , Tada R, Higashidate T, Amano T , Ishikawa S, Yokoyama C, Kobari S, Nara S, Ishida K, Kawaguchi A, Ochi H , Ogino H , Yakushiji-Kaminatsui N, Sakamoto J, Kamei Y, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Biol. May 27, 2023; 500 22-30.
Insights regarding skin regeneration in non-amniote vertebrates: Skin regeneration without scar formation and potential step-up to a higher level of regeneration. , Abe G, Hayashi T, Yoshida K, Yoshida T, Kudoh H, Sakamoto J, Konishi A, Kamei Y, Takeuchi T, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2020; 100 109-121.
Skin regeneration of amphibians: A novel model for skin regeneration as adults. , Yokoyama H , Kudo N, Todate M, Shimada Y, Suzuki M , Tamura K ., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2018; 60 (6): 316-325.
Cells from subcutaneous tissues contribute to scarless skin regeneration in Xenopus laevis froglets. , Otsuka-Yamaguchi R, Kawasumi-Kita A, Kudo N, Izutsu Y , Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2017; 246 (8): 585-597.
Application of local gene induction by infrared laser-mediated microscope and temperature stimulator to amphibian regeneration study. , Kawasumi-Kita A, Hayashi T, Kobayashi T, Nagayama C, Hayashi S, Kamei Y, Morishita Y, Takeuchi T, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2015; 57 (9): 601-13.
Epigenetic modification maintains intrinsic limb-cell identity in Xenopus limb bud regeneration. , Hayashi S, Kawaguchi A, Uchiyama I, Kawasumi-Kita A, Kobayashi T, Nishide H, Tsutsumi R, Tsuru K, Inoue T, Ogino H , Agata K, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Biol. October 15, 2015; 406 (2): 271-82.
Evidence for an amphibian sixth digit. , Hayashi S, Kobayashi T, Yano T, Kamiyama N, Egawa S, Seki R, Takizawa K, Okabe M, Yokoyama H , Tamura K ., Zoological Lett. June 15, 2015; 1 17.
Roles of Hippo signaling pathway in size control of organ regeneration. , Hayashi S, Yokoyama H , Tamura K ., Dev Growth Differ. May 1, 2015; 57 (4): 341-51.
Transcriptional regulators in the Hippo signaling pathway control organ growth in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration. , Hayashi S, Ochi H , Ogino H , Kawasumi A, Kamei Y, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Biol. December 1, 2014; 396 (1): 31-41.
Yap1, transcription regulator in the Hippo signaling pathway, is required for Xenopus limb bud regeneration. , Hayashi S, Tamura K , Yokoyama H ., Dev Biol. April 1, 2014; 388 (1): 57-67.
Wound healing in mammals and amphibians: toward limb regeneration in mammals. , Kawasumi A, Sagawa N, Hayashi S, Yokoyama H , Tamura K ., Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. January 1, 2013; 367 33-49.
Prx-1 expression in Xenopus laevis scarless skin-wound healing and its resemblance to epimorphic regeneration. , Yokoyama H , Maruoka T, Aruga A, Amano T , Ohgo S, Shiroishi T, Tamura K ., J Invest Dermatol. December 1, 2011; 131 (12): 2477-85.
Different requirement for Wnt/ β-catenin signaling in limb regeneration of larval and adult Xenopus. , Yokoyama H , Maruoka T, Ochi H , Aruga A , Ohgo S, Ogino H , Tamura K ., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (7): e21721.
Analysis of hoxa11 and hoxa13 expression during patternless limb regeneration in Xenopus. , Ohgo S, Itoh A, Suzuki M , Satoh A , Yokoyama H , Tamura K ., Dev Biol. February 15, 2010; 338 (2): 148-57.
Effects of activation of hedgehog signaling on patterning, growth, and differentiation in Xenopus froglet limb regeneration. , Yakushiji N, Suzuki M , Satoh A , Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2009; 238 (8): 1887-96.
Repatterning in amphibian limb regeneration: A model for study of genetic and epigenetic control of organ regeneration. , Yakushiji N, Yokoyama H , Tamura K ., Semin Cell Dev Biol. July 1, 2009; 20 (5): 565-74.
Xenopus W-linked DM-W induces Foxl2 and Cyp19 expression during ovary formation. , Okada E, Yoshimoto S, Ikeda N, Kanda H, Tamura K , Shiba T, Takamatsu N, Ito M., Sex Dev. January 1, 2009; 3 (1): 38-42.
Mitf contributes to melanosome distribution and melanophore dendricity. , Kawasaki A, Kumasaka M, Satoh A , Suzuki M , Tamura K , Goto T , Asashima M , Yamamoto H., Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. February 1, 2008; 21 (1): 56-62.
Correlation between Shh expression and DNA methylation status of the limb-specific Shh enhancer region during limb regeneration in amphibians. , Yakushiji N, Suzuki M , Satoh A , Sagai T, Shiroishi T, Kobayashi H, Sasaki H, Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Biol. December 1, 2007; 312 (1): 171-82.
Transgenic Xenopus with prx1 limb enhancer reveals crucial contribution of MEK/ ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways in blastema formation during limb regeneration. , Suzuki M , Satoh A , Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Biol. April 15, 2007; 304 (2): 675-86.
Characterization of Xenopus digits and regenerated limbs of the froglet. , Satoh A , Endo T, Abe M, Yakushiji N, Ohgo S, Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2006; 235 (12): 3316-26.
Limb regeneration in Xenopus laevis froglet. , Suzuki M , Yakushiji N, Nakada Y, Satoh A , Ide H , Tamura K ., ScientificWorldJournal. May 12, 2006; 6 Suppl 1 26-37.
Analysis of scleraxis and dermo-1 genes in a regenerating limb of Xenopus laevis. , Satoh A , Nakada Y, Suzuki M , Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1065-73.
Characteristics of initiation and early events for muscle development in the Xenopus limb bud. , Satoh A , Sakamaki K, Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 846-57.
Nerve-dependent and -independent events in blastema formation during Xenopus froglet limb regeneration. , Suzuki M , Satoh A , Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Biol. October 1, 2005; 286 (1): 361-75.
Joint development in Xenopus laevis and induction of segmentations in regenerating froglet limb ( spike). , Satoh A , Suzuki M , Amano T , Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2005; 233 (4): 1444-53.
Muscle formation in regenerating Xenopus froglet limb. , Satoh A , Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2005; 233 (2): 337-46.
Anteroposterior axis formation in Xenopus limb bud recombinants: a model of pattern formation during limb regeneration. , Yokoyama H , Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2002; 225 (3): 277-88.
FGF-10 stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis. , Yokoyama H , Ide H , Tamura K ., Dev Biol. May 1, 2001; 233 (1): 72-9.
An epidermal signal regulates Lmx-1 expression and dorsal- ventral pattern during Xenopus limb regeneration. , Matsuda H, Yokoyama H , Endo T, Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Biol. January 15, 2001; 229 (2): 351-62.
Analysis of gene expressions during Xenopus forelimb regeneration. , Endo T, Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Biol. April 15, 2000; 220 (2): 296-306.
Mesenchyme with fgf-10 expression is responsible for regenerative capacity in Xenopus limb buds. , Yokoyama H , Yonei-Tamura S, Endo T, Izpisúa Belmonte JC , Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Biol. March 1, 2000; 219 (1): 18-29.
Molecular basis of left- right asymmetry. , Tamura K , Yonei-Tamura S, Izpisúa Belmonte JC ., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 1999; 41 (6): 645-56.
Spatially and temporally-restricted expression of two T-box genes during zebrafish embryogenesis. , Yonei-Tamura S, Tamura K , Tsukui T, Izpisúa Belmonte JC ., Mech Dev. February 1, 1999; 80 (2): 219-21.
The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development. , Takahashi M, Tamura K , Büscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K , Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T, Izpisúa Belmonte JC ., Development. November 1, 1998; 125 (22): 4417-25.
Pitx2 determines left- right asymmetry of internal organs in vertebrates. , Ryan AK, Blumberg B , Rodriguez-Esteban C, Yonei-Tamura S, Tamura K , Tsukui T, de la Peña J, Sabbagh W, Greenwald J, Choe S, Norris DP, Robertson EJ, Evans RM, Rosenfeld MG, Izpisúa Belmonte JC ., Nature. August 6, 1998; 394 (6693): 545-51.
Multiple digit formation in Xenopus limb bud recombinants. , Yokoyama H , Endo T, Tamura K , Yajima H, Ide H ., Dev Biol. April 1, 1998; 196 (1): 1-10.
Pattern formation in dissociated limb bud mesenchyme in vitro and in vivo. , Ide H , Yokoyama H , Endo T, Omi M, Tamura K , Wada N., Wound Repair Regen. January 1, 1998; 6 (4): 398-402.
Shh expression in developing and regenerating limb buds of Xenopus laevis. , Endo T, Yokoyama H , Tamura K , Ide H ., Dev Dyn. June 1, 1997; 209 (2): 227-32.