Lef1 regulates caveolin expression and caveolin dependent endocytosis, a process necessary for Wnt5a/Ror2 signaling during Xenopus gastrulation. , Puzik K, Tonnier V, Opper I, Eckert A, Zhou L, Kratzer MC, Noble FL, Nienhaus GU, Gradl D ., Sci Rep. October 30, 2019; 9 (1): 15645.
Regulation of distinct branches of the non-canonical Wnt-signaling network in Xenopus dorsal marginal zone explants. , Wallkamm V, Rahm K, Schmoll J, Kaufmann LT, Brinkmann E, Schunk J, Kraft B, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., BMC Biol. July 5, 2016; 14 55.
Secreted Frizzled-related Protein 2 (sFRP2) Redirects Non-canonical Wnt Signaling from Fz7 to Ror2 during Vertebrate Gastrulation. , Brinkmann EM, Mattes B, Kumar R, Hagemann AI, Gradl D , Scholpp S, Steinbeisser H , Kaufmann LT, Özbek S., J Biol Chem. June 24, 2016; 291 (26): 13730-42.
A novel role for the tumour suppressor Nitrilase1 modulating the Wnt/ β-catenin signalling pathway. , Mittag S, Valenta T, Weiske J, Bloch L, Klingel S, Gradl D , Wetzel F, Chen Y , Petersen I, Basler K, Huber O., Cell Discov. January 5, 2016; 2 15039.
Neural crest specification by Prohibitin1 depends on transcriptional regulation of prl3 and vangl1. , Deichmann C, Link M, Seyfang M, Knotz V, Gradl D , Wedlich D ., Genesis. October 1, 2015; 53 (10): 627-39.
The E3 ligase RNF43 inhibits Wnt signaling downstream of mutated β-catenin by sequestering TCF4 to the nuclear membrane. , Loregger A, Grandl M, Mejías-Luque R, Allgäuer M, Degenhart K, Haselmann V, Oikonomou C, Hatzis P, Janssen KP, Nitsche U, Gradl D , van den Broek O, Destree O , Ulm K, Neumaier M, Kalali B, Jung A, Varela I, Schmid RM, Rad R, Busch DH, Gerhard M., Sci Signal. September 8, 2015; 8 (393): ra90.
CD44 functions in Wnt signaling by regulating LRP6 localization and activation. , Schmitt M, Metzger M, Gradl D , Davidson G, Orian-Rousseau V., Cell Death Differ. April 1, 2015; 22 (4): 677-89.
Monensin Inhibits Canonical Wnt Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells and Suppresses Tumor Growth in Multiple Intestinal Neoplasia Mice. , Tumova L, Pombinho AR, Vojtechova M, Stancikova J, Gradl D , Krausova M, Sloncova E, Horazna M, Kriz V, Machonova O, Jindrich J, Zdrahal Z, Bartunek P, Korinek V., Mol Cancer Ther. April 1, 2014; .
Protocadherin PAPC is expressed in the CNC and can compensate for the loss of PCNS. , Schneider M, Huang C, Becker SF, Gradl D , Wedlich D ., Genesis. February 1, 2014; 52 (2): 120-6.
Live imaging of Xwnt5A- ROR2 complexes. , Wallkamm V, Dörlich R, Rahm K, Klessing T, Nienhaus GU, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (10): e109428.
Synthesis of novel inhibitors blocking Wnt signaling downstream of β-catenin. , Halbedl S, Kratzer MC, Rahm K, Crosta N, Masters KS, Zippert J, Bräse S, Gradl D ., FEBS Lett. March 1, 2013; 587 (5): 522-7.
The vestibuloocular reflex of tadpoles (Xenopus laevis) after knock-down of the isthmus-related transcription factor XTcf-4. , Horn ER, El-Yamany NA, Gradl D ., J Exp Biol. February 15, 2013; 216 (Pt 4): 733-41.
Subfunctionalization and neofunctionalization of vertebrate Lef/Tcf transcription factors. , Klingel S, Morath I, Strietz J, Menzel K, Holstein TW, Gradl D ., Dev Biol. August 1, 2012; 368 (1): 44-53.
Live imaging of active fluorophore labelled Wnt proteins. , Holzer T, Liffers K, Rahm K, Trageser B, Ozbek S, Gradl D ., FEBS Lett. June 4, 2012; 586 (11): 1638-44.
A novel tankyrase inhibitor decreases canonical Wnt signaling in colon carcinoma cells and reduces tumor growth in conditional APC mutant mice. , Waaler J, Machon O, Tumova L, Dinh H, Korinek V, Wilson SR, Paulsen JE, Pedersen NM, Eide TJ, Machonova O, Gradl D , Voronkov A, von Kries JP, Krauss S., Cancer Res. June 1, 2012; 72 (11): 2822-32.
Fatty acid modification of Wnt1 and Wnt3a at serine is prerequisite for lipidation at cysteine and is essential for Wnt signalling. , Doubravska L, Krausova M, Gradl D , Vojtechova M, Tumova L, Lukas J, Valenta T, Pospichalova V, Fafilek B, Plachy J, Sebesta O, Korinek V., Cell Signal. May 1, 2011; 23 (5): 837-48.
Novel synthetic antagonists of canonical Wnt signaling inhibit colorectal cancer cell growth. , Waaler J, Machon O, von Kries JP, Wilson SR, Lundenes E, Wedlich D , Gradl D , Paulsen JE, Machonova O, Dembinski JL, Dinh H, Krauss S., Cancer Res. January 1, 2011; 71 (1): 197-205.
En2, Pax2/5 and Tcf-4 transcription factors cooperate in patterning the Xenopus brain. , Koenig SF, Brentle S, Hamdi K, Fichtner D, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., Dev Biol. April 15, 2010; 340 (2): 318-28.
Near-field optical study of protein transport kinetics at a single nuclear pore. , Herrmann M, Neuberth N, Wissler J, Pérez J, Gradl D , Naber A., Nano Lett. September 1, 2009; 9 (9): 3330-6.
Cold-inducible RNA binding protein ( CIRP), a novel XTcf-3 specific target gene regulates neural development in Xenopus. , van Venrooy S , Fichtner D, Kunz M, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., BMC Dev Biol. August 7, 2008; 8 77.
Autoregulation of XTcf-4 depends on a Lef/Tcf site on the XTcf-4 promoter. , Koenig SF, Lattanzio R, Mansperger K, Rupp RA , Wedlich D , Gradl D ., Genesis. February 1, 2008; 46 (2): 81-6.
Beta- arrestin is a necessary component of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in vitro and in vivo. , Bryja V , Gradl D , Schambony A , Arenas E, Schulte G ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 17, 2007; 104 (16): 6690-5.
Wnt 5a signaling is critical for macrophage-induced invasion of breast cancer cell lines. , Pukrop T, Klemm F, Hagemann T, Gradl D , Schulz M, Siemes S, Trümper L, Binder C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 4, 2006; 103 (14): 5454-9.
HIC-5 is a novel repressor of lymphoid enhancer factor/T-cell factor-driven transcription. , Ghogomu SM, van Venrooy S , Ritthaler M, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., J Biol Chem. January 20, 2006; 281 (3): 1755-64.
Reduced U snRNP assembly causes motor axon degeneration in an animal model for spinal muscular atrophy. , Winkler C, Eggert C, Gradl D , Meister G, Giegerich M, Wedlich D , Laggerbauer B, Fischer U., Genes Dev. October 1, 2005; 19 (19): 2320-30.
Pontin and Reptin regulate cell proliferation in early Xenopus embryos in collaboration with c- Myc and Miz-1. , Etard C, Gradl D , Kunz M, Eilers M, Wedlich D ., Mech Dev. April 1, 2005; 122 (4): 545-56.
Autoregulation of canonical Wnt signaling controls midbrain development. , Kunz M, Herrmann M, Wedlich D , Gradl D ., Dev Biol. September 15, 2004; 273 (2): 390-401.
Cross-regulation of Wnt signaling and cell adhesion. , Schambony A , Kunz M, Gradl D ., Differentiation. September 1, 2004; 72 (7): 307-18.
Functional diversity of Xenopus lymphoid enhancer factor/T-cell factor transcription factors relies on combinations of activating and repressing elements. , Gradl D , König A, Wedlich D ., J Biol Chem. April 19, 2002; 277 (16): 14159-71.
Identification of two regulatory elements within the high mobility group box transcription factor XTCF-4. , Pukrop T, Gradl D , Henningfeld KA , Knochel W , Wedlich D , Kuhl M., J Biol Chem. March 23, 2001; 276 (12): 8968-78.
The HMG-box transcription factor XTcf-4 demarcates the forebrain- midbrain boundary. , König A, Gradl D , Kühl M , Wedlich D ., Mech Dev. May 1, 2000; 93 (1-2): 211-4.
Keeping a close eye on Wnt-1/wg signaling in Xenopus. , Gradl D , Kühl M , Wedlich D ., Mech Dev. August 1, 1999; 86 (1-2): 3-15.
The Wnt/Wg signal transducer beta-catenin controls fibronectin expression. , Gradl D , Kühl M , Wedlich D ., Mol Cell Biol. August 1, 1999; 19 (8): 5576-87.