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Profile Publications (33)

Publications By Richard P. Harvey


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Cardiac T-box factor Tbx20 directly interacts with Nkx2-5, GATA4, and GATA5 in regulation of gene expression in the developing heart., Stennard FA, Costa MW, Elliott DA, Rankin S, Haast SJ, Lai D, McDonald LP, Niederreither K, Dolle P, Bruneau BG, Zorn AM, Harvey RP., Dev Biol. October 15, 2003; 262 (2): 206-24.   

Cardiac homeobox gene NKX2-5 mutations and congenital heart disease: associations with atrial septal defect and hypoplastic left heart syndrome., Elliott DA, Kirk EP, Yeoh T, Chandar S, McKenzie F, Taylor P, Grossfeld P, Fatkin D, Jones O, Hayes P, Feneley M, Harvey RP., J Am Coll Cardiol. June 4, 2003; 41 (11): 2072-6.

Hop is an unusual homeobox gene that modulates cardiac development., Chen F, Kook H, Milewski R, Gitler AD, Lu MM, Li J, Nazarian R, Schnepp R, Jen K, Biben C, Runke G, Mackay JP, Novotny J, Schwartz RJ, Harvey RP, Mullins MC, Epstein JA., Cell. September 20, 2002; 110 (6): 713-23.

Homeodomain factor Nkx2-5 in heart development and disease., Harvey RP, Lai D, Elliott D, Biben C, Solloway M, Prall O, Stennard F, Schindeler A, Groves N, Lavulo L, Hyun C, Yeoh T, Costa M, Furtado M, Kirk E., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 2002; 67 107-14.

Developmental paradigms in heart disease: insights from tinman., Prall OW, Elliott DA, Harvey RP., Ann Med. January 1, 2002; 34 (3): 148-56.

Efficient Cre-mediated deletion in cardiac progenitor cells conferred by a 3'UTR-ires-Cre allele of the homeobox gene Nkx2-5., Stanley EG, Biben C, Elefanty A, Barnett L, Koentgen F, Robb L, Harvey RP., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2002; 46 (4): 431-9.

The combinatorial activities of Nkx2.5 and dHAND are essential for cardiac ventricle formation., Yamagishi H, Yamagishi C, Nakagawa O, Harvey RP, Olson EN, Srivastava D., Dev Biol. November 15, 2001; 239 (2): 190-203.

The small muscle-specific protein Csl modifies cell shape and promotes myocyte fusion in an insulin-like growth factor 1-dependent manner., Palmer S, Groves N, Schindeler A, Yeoh T, Biben C, Wang CC, Sparrow DB, Barnett L, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Koentgen F, Mohun T, Harvey RP., J Cell Biol. May 28, 2001; 153 (5): 985-98.   

Cardiac septal and valvular dysmorphogenesis in mice heterozygous for mutations in the homeobox gene Nkx2-5., Biben C, Weber R, Kesteven S, Stanley E, McDonald L, Elliott DA, Barnett L, Köentgen F, Robb L, Feneley M, Harvey RP., Circ Res. November 10, 2000; 87 (10): 888-95.

Targeted insertion of a lacZ reporter gene into the mouse Cer1 locus reveals complex and dynamic expression during embryogenesis., Stanley EG, Biben C, Allison J, Hartley L, Wicks IP, Campbell IK, McKinley M, Barnett L, Koentgen F, Robb L, Harvey RP., Genesis. April 1, 2000; 26 (4): 259-64.

Single allele mutations at the heart of congenital disease., Rosenthal N, Harvey RP., J Clin Invest. December 1, 1999; 104 (11): 1483-4.

Seeking a regulatory roadmap for heart morphogenesis., Harvey RP., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 1999; 10 (1): 99-107.

Human cerberus related gene CER1 maps to chromosome 9., Lah M, Brodnicki T, Maccarone P, Nash A, Stanley E, Harvey RP., Genomics. February 1, 1999; 55 (3): 364-6.

Identification of upstream regulatory regions in the heart-expressed homeobox gene Nkx2-5., Reecy JM, Li X, Yamada M, DeMayo FJ, Newman CS, Harvey RP, Schwartz RJ., Development. February 1, 1999; 126 (4): 839-49.

DAN is a secreted glycoprotein related to Xenopus cerberus., Stanley E, Biben C, Kotecha S, Fabri L, Tajbakhsh S, Wang CC, Hatzistavrou T, Roberts B, Drinkwater C, Lah M, Buckingham M, Hilton D, Nash A, Mohun T, Harvey RP., Mech Dev. October 1, 1998; 77 (2): 173-84.

Divergent roles for NK-2 class homeobox genes in cardiogenesis in flies and mice., Ranganayakulu G, Elliott DA, Harvey RP, Olson EN., Development. August 1, 1998; 125 (16): 3037-48.

Murine cerberus homologue Cer1 maps to chromosome 4., Stanley E, Gilbert DG, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Harvey RP., Genomics. April 15, 1998; 49 (2): 337-8.

Murine cerberus homologue mCer-1: a candidate anterior patterning molecule., Biben C, Stanley E, Fabri L, Kotecha S, Rhinn M, Drinkwater C, Lah M, Wang CC, Nash A, Hilton D, Ang SL, Mohun T, Harvey RP., Dev Biol. February 15, 1998; 194 (2): 135-51.   

Homeodomain factor Nkx2-5 controls left/right asymmetric expression of bHLH gene eHand during murine heart development., Biben C, Harvey RP., Genes Dev. June 1, 1997; 11 (11): 1357-69.

CARP, a cardiac ankyrin repeat protein, is downstream in the Nkx2-5 homeobox gene pathway., Zou Y, Evans S, Chen J, Kuo HC, Harvey RP, Chien KR., Development. February 1, 1997; 124 (4): 793-804.

Homeobox genes and heart development., Biben C, Palmer S, Elliott DA, Harvey RP., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 1997; 62 395-403.

Expression of cardiac muscle markers in rat myocyte cell lines., Engelmann GL, Worrell RA, Duff RA, Grutkoski PS, Chien KR, Harvey RP., Mol Cell Biochem. April 1, 1996; 157 (1-2): 87-91.

High-resolution genetic analysis of a deletion on mouse chromosome 17 extending over the fused, tufted, and homeobox Nkx2-5 loci., Himmelbauer H, Harvey RP, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Silver LM., Mamm Genome. December 1, 1994; 5 (12): 814-6.

XNkx-2.5, a Xenopus gene related to Nkx-2.5 and tinman: evidence for a conserved role in cardiac development., Tonissen KF, Drysdale TA, Lints TJ, Harvey RP, Krieg PA., Dev Biol. March 1, 1994; 162 (1): 325-8.   

MyoD protein expression in Xenopus embryos closely follows a mesoderm induction-dependent amplification of MyoD transcription and is synchronous across the future somite axis., Harvey RP., Mech Dev. May 1, 1992; 37 (3): 141-9.

Widespread expression of MyoD genes in Xenopus embryos is amplified in presumptive muscle as a delayed response to mesoderm induction., Harvey RP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 15, 1991; 88 (20): 9198-202.

The Xenopus MyoD gene: an unlocalised maternal mRNA predates lineage-restricted expression in the early embryo., Harvey RP., Development. April 1, 1990; 108 (4): 669-80.

Microinjection of synthetic Xhox-1A homeobox mRNA disrupts somite formation in developing Xenopus embryos., Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cell. June 3, 1988; 53 (5): 687-97.   

Embryonic expression and nuclear localization of Xenopus homeobox (Xhox) gene products., Harvey RP, Tabin CJ, Melton DA., EMBO J. June 1, 1986; 5 (6): 1237-44.

Identification and cloning of localized maternal RNAs from Xenopus eggs., Rebagliati MR, Weeks DL, Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cell. October 1, 1985; 42 (3): 769-77.

Localized maternal mRNAs in Xenopus laevis eggs., Weeks DL, Rebagliati MR, Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 1985; 50 21-30.

H2A.F: an extremely variant histone H2A sequence expressed in the chicken embryo., Harvey RP, Whiting JA, Coles LS, Krieg PA, Wells JR., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 1983; 80 (10): 2819-23.

Independently evolving chicken histone H2B genes: identification of a ubiquitous H2B-specific 5' element., Harvey RP, Robins AJ, Wells JR., Nucleic Acids Res. December 11, 1982; 10 (23): 7851-63.

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